GALIGANI FILTRI - Industrial filtration

Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR Tuscany 2014-2020

Por Creo 2014-2020
Unione Europea
Repubblica Italiana
Regione Toscana

Tuscany investment fund - investment aid

Containment and contrast of the epidemiological emergency COVID-19

Unione Europea


Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020 - Line: 3.1.1. - Sub action a3)

"Aid for the containment and contrast of the epidemiological emergency COVID-19"

"Tuscany investment fund - investment aid" - Call approved with D.D. n. 14508 - 17/09/2020 amanded with D.D. n. 14512 - 21/09/2020

Project: GALIGANI_FONDO_INVEST_2020 - Request: CUP ST 14508.17092020.172000209

Galigani Filtri

Investment project in tangible and intangible assets

aimed at supporting entrepreneurial activity

Project implementation period : 2020-2022

Financial support : € 100.000.00

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